
Table of Contents WebHooks Some AppXchange partners want to be notified over HTTP when events occur, such as . A WebHook is a useful feature to achieve this. Each time an event occurs Kolibri POSTS a message using HTTP(S) to your server, using a pre-configured URI. The AppXchange partner must provide the URI so it...


Table of Contents Mediapartnership Welkom bij de Wiki van de Kolibri Real Estate Connector. In deze Wiki wordt uitgelegd wat het doel is van de Connector is en hoe de Connector gebruikt moet worden. Deze Wiki is bedoeld voor de ontwikkelaars van Media Partners. Hieronder een overzicht van de veelgebruikte begrippen binnen de Connector. Begin...


Table of Contents Introductie SiteLink is een service die gebruikt kan worden om objectinformatie te downloaden in een vooraf gedefinieerd (Xml) formaat. Deze objectinformatie kan vervolgens uit dat bestand worden gehaald en worden gebruikt om deze bijvoorbeeld te tonen op een externe website van de makelaar. Algemeen SiteLink is meertalig opgezet en er wordt de...

Getting started

Table of Contents Getting started Our API is documented with Swagger and can be found at this url https://sandbox-api.kolibri24.com/swagger. Although the documentation is self explanatory here are some quick starters and tips. Controllers and methods All of our Controllers have their own tab(1) containing the publicly available methods. If you open a Controller tab you’ll find...

Example: Generating a PHP client

Generating a PHP client This documentation will explain step-by-step the way of generating a PHP client, based on the Kolibri Swagger API. Step 1. Go to: https://editor.swagger.io/ Click ‘File’ and ‘Import URL’ Enter the following Swagger JSON URL: ‘https://sandbox-api.kolibri24.com/v3/swagger’ Step 2.When the JSON file has been loaded in the online editor. Click on ‘Generate Client’ in...

Quick start guide PHP

Table of Contents Quick start guide PHP This guide will show you how to use our API and get the minimal data to make requests to our API. This guide assumes you’re already authenticated and have a valid access token. A guide on authentication and retrieving tokens can be found here. Generating a PHP client...

Workflows (example flows)

Table of Contents Creating a new ObjectAssignment Creating a new object assignment requires a few steps. Create a new empty objectAssignment Updating required data Getting and setting a valid address Updating objectAssignment Save objectAssignment Understanding error messages Prerequisites ObjectAssignments are one of our most complex objects, it is important to follow our Swagger documentation to ensure you’re...

Kolibri VOIP API

Table of Contents Kolibri VOIP API It is possible to notify Kolibri users about VOIP calls using this API. Using a pop-up in Kolibri the user can see that someone is calling, who this person is (if this person exists in Kolibri with the correct phone number) and how long a conversation is taking. All...


Table of Contents Widgets It is possible to display widgets with your own content in the Kolibri Web application. On multiple places in the application, Iframes can be displayed with your specific content on it. For example, a button to trigger an action in your systems, or perhaps an overview of data about a relation...

Kolibri core API

Table of Contents Getting started The sandbox environment When developing, you get your own Real Estate Company in the Kolibri Sandbox environment. This sandbox environment is only used for development. Actual realtors don’t access this environment, so you can safely try out the API and perform CRUD operations on data in the database. This is...